Ways of teaching lexis

Конференция: Образование и воспитание. Теория и практика

Автор: Мурузова Алла Васильевна

Организация: ГБОУ лицей № 1501 СП 188

Населенный пункт: г. Москва

Lexis refers to the vocabulary or words that are a vitally important part of learning a language. A student acquires vocabulary in two ways: the first is by discovery, through interaction/conversation or reading materials which the student has chosen for himself/herself; the second is by having words presented to him/her in the classroom in a more formal manner. The teacher has various ways of achieving this: s/he can point to objects in the classroom, draw pictures, mime an action or make a gesture etc.

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  • Опубликовано: 28.09.2015